The Truth

Bastien Slater
2 min readDec 6, 2018


I started writing on Medium near the end of August, when the new college semester was starting. I didn’t find it and think it was a cool concept. I never stumbled across it, intrigued by all these ideas being spread around. None of these things.

I did it for a grade.

My English course required me to write on Medium, one 250 word post, one 100 word comment every class day, three times a week. So I did, naturally, because I wanted to pass the class and move on with my life.

I’ve always loved to write, don’t get me wrong. There are times when I get such a fantastic idea that I just need to put it down somewhere: paper, computer, whatever. I knew that writing on Medium wasn’t going to be very hard. The hardest part was probably trying to find new things to write about every time it was required of me.

Time went on, I did what I needed to do, I never posted more or less than I had to. However, as I continued to do it, I found that I started to enjoy coming up with new ideas to write about and share. And even though I never wrote a lot, and never had a lot of followers or claps on my posts, I did it for myself, and I enjoyed it.

I am a very unmotivated person. There needs to sometimes be incentives if I want to get certain things done. For instance, writing on Medium, I did it for a grade.

I’ll be completely honest and forward with anyone who reads this: This post is for my class as well, the last one I’ll ever need to write for it. Once I submit this post, I might turn my back on Medium.

But a part of me hopes I don’t. I hope that if I ever get another great writing prompt idea, I can turn to this website and share it with the few stragglers that stuck around, if they so happen to read it. I’m not famous, I’m not as good or well known as so many other Medium writers.

I’m just an 18 year old boy trying to get through life without stressing out.

To those who read my posts, I thank you. The claps and views I got, although very small in number, did help me want to write more, because it told me that what I was writing was good enough for them.

This isn’t a goodbye. More like an “Until next time.”

Until next time, however long in the future that may be: days, weeks, months, years.

